Author: Christopher Sayadian

Need More Reliable IT Services for Your Business?

July 19, 2024 | Christopher Sayadian | Cybersecurity, Handled, Tools & Resources


Need More Reliable IT Services for Your Business? Today’s businesses depend heavily on technology for success and growth. However, navigating complex tech issues and ensuring all your systems stay up-to-date can be overwhelming, especially if you have to manage IT on your own. That’s why you need a strategic ally — a reliable IT partner […]


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From Tech Headaches to Seamless Operations

July 9, 2024 | Christopher Sayadian | Cybersecurity, Data Backup, Handled, The Cloud, Tools & Resources


The Impact of a Strategic IT Service Provider   Technology plays a critical role in driving business success in today’s fast-paced digital landscape. However, managing IT infrastructure and systems can be a significant challenge for many organizations.   This is where an IT service provider comes in. But remember that not all IT service providers […]


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Debunking Myths About AI in Cybersecurity

June 18, 2024 | Christopher Sayadian | Cybersecurity, Handled


AI has become a buzzword that often evokes a mix of awe, doubt and even fear, especially when it comes to cybersecurity. However, the fact is that if used effectively AI can revolutionize the way businesses like yours operate.   That’s why you must cut through the noise and separate fact from fiction if you […]


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How Cybercriminals Use AI to Power Their Attacks

June 6, 2024 | Christopher Sayadian | Cybersecurity, Handled, The Cloud, Tools & Resources


Navigating the realm of cybersecurity can be daunting for any business owner, especially with the rise of AI-driven cybercrime. It’s crucial to understand how cybercriminals are leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to orchestrate sophisticated attacks aimed at compromising your data and disrupting your operations.   Fortunately, there are proactive measures you can implement to safeguard your […]


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How to Choose the Right SaaS Backup Solution for Your Business

May 14, 2024 | Christopher Sayadian | Cybersecurity, Data Backup, Handled, The Cloud, Tools & Resources


How to Choose the Right SaaS Backup Solution for Your Business   As technology continues to advance, more and more businesses like yours are adopting Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications due to their flexibility, affordability and user-friendly nature. These cloud-based services have become a staple in the corporate world, offering tools that range from email and communication […]


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The Most Dangerous Myths About Cloud Data Backup

May 3, 2024 | Christopher Sayadian | Data Backup, Handled, Tools & Resources


The Most Dangerous Myths About Cloud Data Backup For businesses, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions offer unparalleled opportunities to enhance efficiency, scalability and overall operations. However, growing  SaaS backup-related misconceptions also have the potential to hurt your business growth.   In this blog, we’ll shed light on some SaaS-related truths you simply cannot afford to ignore. Let’s […]


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Top Misconceptions About Digital Transformation

April 17, 2024 | Christopher Sayadian | Handled, Tools & Resources


Top Misconceptions About Digital Transformation Every business aiming to succeed in today’s competitive market needs to embrace digital transformation. It’s a key strategy for gaining new customers, improving efficiency, and boosting profits. Despite its benefits, many business owners are hesitant due to common misunderstandings.   In this article, we’ll tackle the main misconceptions about digital […]


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Top Technologies Driving Digital Transformation

April 9, 2024 | Christopher Sayadian | Cybersecurity, Data Backup, Handled, The Cloud, Tools & Resources


Top Technologies Driving Digital Transformation When planning your business expenses, it’s vital to view technology costs as more than just operational expenses. Instead, see them as investments that can propel your organization toward greater productivity, growth, and profitability.   Your approach to budgeting for technology shouldn’t just focus on numbers. It should be about shaping […]


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