Author: Christopher Sayadian

Technology Compliance: Supporting, Assessing & Monitoring

January 9, 2023 | Christopher Sayadian | Tools & Resources


Technology allows businesses to do more—but it also requires them to comply with laws and regulations on how it’s used. Technology compliance can be a complex and intimidating topic, but a focused approach helps organizational leaders stay on top of what they need to know and do.


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IT Integration During Mergers and Acquisitions

December 7, 2022 | Christopher Sayadian | Cybersecurity, Tools & Resources


Mergers and acquisitions are common, but problems with IT integration can doom their success. Many companies fail to evaluate systems, platforms, and hardware ahead of time, which can lead to expensive and time-consuming problems later. Leaders need a complete view of the IT ecosystem of each business to make smart decisions.


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Cloud Business Integration: The Cost of Going Full-Cloud

October 21, 2022 | Christopher Sayadian | The Cloud


Many companies are taking advantage of cloud business integration to utilize its many features and efficiencies for optimal performance. However, there are many factors to consider before completely switching over from on-premises technology. Understanding the full scope and impact of the effort is essential.


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Business Automation: Why & How to Integrate Into Your Company

March 17, 2022 | Christopher Sayadian | Tools & Resources


Business automation is becoming essential for companies to stay competitive, operate more efficiently and nurture growth & innovation. From customer service to marketing to HR, there are an abundance of platforms and tools that can reduce manual effort for repetitive tasks and even handle more complex ones.


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IT Security Training Program Essentials

February 17, 2022 | Christopher Sayadian | Cybersecurity


Employees serve as the outermost layer of an organization’s security strategy. But too many businesses fail to train them effectively to recognize and report hacking attempts and threats. Consistent, carefully designed training educates employees and cultivates enhanced security awareness across the workforce.


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